Why use the eBay and Etsy platforms to sell your items on.
We use these platforms because it helps get our items seen
Do I need to register with ebay to purchase from you?
No you don't need to register for an ebay account to purchase from us, simply purchase as a guest. Click Here to see more details.
Do I need to register with Etsy to purchase from you?
Do you do commissions?
Depends on the request, I prefer to enjoy my projects so If your request does not work with my style I will most likely turn you down. Also time plays a huge role, I am a Mom first.
What is your Shipping?
We ship your items as soon after purchase as we can. We send our dolls to you via USPS priority mail, which should get to you in 3-5 days. The fashions we send via standard mail, which usually takes 7-10 days to arrive.
International shipping is calculated according to each customers needs.
How will you package my item?
We package your item with as much protection, (bubble wrap) and love as possible. We value our products and want them to get to you safe.